Our Podiatrists
Our podiatrists are experts in diagnosing and treating your foot and leg problems. They will assess your feet, and offer you the most suitable and up to date treatment to resolve your problem. We also have a strong holistic ethos in both rehabilitating and preventing foot and leg problems.
“We are very much results driven, and aim to achieve the best possible outcomes through the best possible modalities available in our clinics.”
Aodhan Mac Suibhne
Aodhan is the founder and principal podiatrist in Acorn Clinics. He is a graduate of the College of Chiropody Ireland and is a member of the Irish Chiropody and Podiatry Organisation.
Aodhan is also a past governor of the Academy of Chiropody and Podiatry of Ireland. He has over 30 years’ experience in chiropody, podiatry and orthotic manufacture. He is also managing director of OnSite Orthotics, which is the manufacturing side of Acorn Clinics.
He maintains that he sees the very same foot problems today that he saw 30 years ago, “so clearly we need to place more emphasis on preventative foot health care”. He believes that children’s feet should be assessed regularly from a young age, to help ensure that the young foot develops correctly. Children’s teeth are checked regularly; however their feet are usually overlooked unless there is a problem.
His areas of special interest are: Biomechanics, orthotics, podo paediatrics (children) and general chiropody and podiatry.

Colm Bradley
Colm joined Acorn Clinics in January 2015. He is a BSC Hons graduate of NUI Galway School of Podiatry. He also holds qualifications in acupuncture, dry needling and foot mobilisation techniques, specific to the leg and foot. He utilises this knowledge base in the diagnosis and treatment of lower limb pathologies related to musculoskeletal dysfunction.
Throughout his training and career to date, Colm has worked extensively with the diabetic foot. Diabetes is one of the biggest health issues in today’s world and the foot is one of the major areas of concern. It is recommended by the world health organisation that all diabetics undergo regular foot screening, at the very least, once a year.
Colm is skilled in screening techniques and treatments for diabetic foot disease. He feels that the key to the treatment of the diabetic foot is to educate patients to look after their holistic health in order to avoid the complications associated with the disease.
His areas of special interest are: Foot mobilisation, sports injuries, general chiropody and podiatry, wound care and diabetic foot screening.